Aloha Life
Level 7 will be an opportunity to:
Connect deeply to the 7 Huna Principles; expanding our awareness of and connection to KALA, ALOHA, MANAWA, PONO, MANA, MAKIA and IKE.
Learn advanced skills to heighten MANA (through connection to Nature in particular)
Spend time in Nature, connecting to the Elements in new ways
Explore new Breathwork techniques and exercises
Deepen effectiveness of Sounding and Toning, Pule and Chanting,
Flying and Grokking for heightened awareness and KALA (everything is flexible and not as it would seem)
Share Ritual and Dance
Salt Water Cleanse (a tradition practiced by the Hawaiians) for cleansing, letting go, clarity and healing.
Night time nature adventure
There will also be new techniques and advanced bodywork skills taught:
Recapitulation of level 6 sounding and vibrational healing techniques
New Underbody techniques (clavicle, sternum bones and ribcage)
Turning your client for holism and marriage of masculine and feminine
New Skeletal technique
Advanced Stretches for effective joint mobilisation and KALA
Advanced Positions to open and align neck and spine
Massaging Soft tissue areas
Ear massage